Value of teletranslation of sports event and its feature.
One picture costs 1000 words
Lao Tsi
Teletranslation of sports event - probably, strongest argument in negotiations of action organizers and the potential sponsor. In fact this “item” has a wide spectrum of variations and ways to present the sponsor, therefore it possesses a more potential to pay back investments wholly.
Not casually all over the world interests of the television companies are considered at the decision on geography of accommodation of professional commands, definition of their number in sports leagues, drawing up of a calendar of games, etc. Moreover, usually not only clubs, but also leagues live on profits from the broadcasting rights sales.
Russia, certainly, is the exceptionally one country: for example, the most popular game in the country, football, actually represents itself the championship of Moscow and the Moscow area and when it comes to its end and defined the winner it becomes clear, that it is also the championship of a name of city of Moscow.
In Russia sports translations still have a low rating and the basic source of the income for TV today still are serials. Probably, now, with a choice of Sochi as the capital of Olympiad 2014, the situation may change, but much will depend on, whether there is it the tendency or a transient fashion. In other words, probably, now it’ll feed us hard with sports translations till long-awaited winter in subtropical paradise will come, in fact in such country we live…
But simply translation of sports event is not all. Here that sports producer NBC (USA) Andrew Stegantsov in one of his interview speaks about this occasion: “We Shall admit, on any American channel plan to broadcast some competitions by the certain kind of sports. Before carrying out purchase, analysts of the channel estimate a prospective rating of transfer, think, that where, in what volume to buy, communicate with sports federation, clubs, players. After money are paid, there is a work with advertisers and media. Then the analytical group works with two parties and begins in details how in film, to work above everyone the staff, each detail - “Detailed marketing”. Present directors of the same “The lord of rings”: they have finished shooting a heap of a material, then all have gathered, trying to see, experience a picture. In the same way there is a process of preparation of sports show - the big collective gathers and tries “to see” the product then with confidence to tell: “Yes, we let it out”.
Teletranslation technology is rather complex process, it is not casual the whole analytical group makes a decision on the future of the project. In fact the decision depends on many parameters. For example, it is necessary to consider quality, standards of the transferred image, architectural features a place of carrying out of sports event, a minimum quantity of chambers and, accordingly, operators. Besides in calculation undertakes the rating, a share and other parameters of media planning, the great value has the status of sports event, its appeal as kind of sports, its productivity, presence of a sports intrigue and players-stars.
Thus traditionally it is considered, that the cost price to broadcast sports event is not high, as it, first, does not demand expenses for the organization (already there are commands, there is an arrangement on a match, everyone will precisely occur during certain time, etc. unlike cinematographing, teleplays, concerts, etc.). Secondly, all is shoots for one set - there is no doubles, long schedule of shooting, etc., opposite - all shooting have finished for 2-3 hours. Thus the good match which has been finished shooting qualitatively, will collect enough greater audience at repeated display. And if sports event from the category special event (NBA All-Star Game) or is characterized as “historical” (a final of Champions League) in due course its price and value will grow as the price for excellent cognac or the real estate located in a zone of the future Olympiad...
That sports event had “appetizing” kind of view, it is necessary to finish shooting it with definitely way. How? To solve it is in advance impossible: sports are interesting by the improvisation, spontaneity.
Certainly, there are any sort experts and analysts who can create sensation “the planned improvisation”, but when the leader of National championship on football of CSKA loses a command from the bottom part of the tournament table “Luch-energy” with count 4-0 it becomes clear, that direct translation of this match, most likely, will collect a smaller audience, than its repetition after the result becomes known. Screens will be adjoined with millions fans and fans of sports, including “not football” people to personally embody event in all details. And in fact such matches not a rarity, recollect, a victory of modular Russia over football above modular France, victory FC “Spartak” and FC “Locomotive” Above the European grandees in matches of Champions League and all the Europe Championship on basketball of 2007.
These matches have a historical value, for the devoted fans each detail, everyone the staff, each word of the commentator is important. Here again there is very a important question for similar events: what details and how to select on a course of translation? The answer to this question searches any more for one generation of documentalists. Remember: the chamber embodies history, the validity or it only vision of this validity by the operator? Whether it is possible to put simply the chamber and shooting green and it will be already “documentary” shooting or it is not enough of it? (There is something such in translations of the country Championship on football, isn’t so?) If to consider, that the director and the operator solve themselves, that what will be in the staff and that is not present (thus that in the staff does not get, occurs in the World in parallel what decided to take there, and occurs simultaneously and, probably, of great value), whether that it is possible for them to trust, what the validity was those?
Thus we shall notice, what if directors and operators in documentary cinema have time to select a material, to solve that will get in “the thing”, and what is not present, to build “a picture”, to shoot in the necessary tones, through the necessary filter, to make a copy, mount in necessary rhythm, to impose the musical theme emphasizing an atmosphere of the staff, so director of translation of sports event has no opinion to use anything of presented. Here details, an atmosphere, character of event - all this is defined in real time and in real time it is necessary to make a decision, defining, that will get in history and that will not. Characters which define an intrigue, result of a match, too “naked”, what refers to “right now”, so, will notice it the director and the operator or not and how they will present it, sensations during viewing, but also destiny of the match depend not only mine, the spectator, (will the disk with it just get dusty or it it is possible to sell itself) and its participants (the player becomes more pleasant, more interesting to the spectator or not).
“Last year I was in Ukraine and looked the football match on TV, - tells Andrew Stegantsov in interview. The picture represented a bare field, and the distant plan, grasped in the staff any military fence with various inscriptions, the five-floor house where people sit on balconies and free of charge football, any pipes look. It, certainly, details, but here only with a sign “ a plus” or with a sign “a minus”? Why those who supervise over shootings on a place (operators, directors), think, what people will look only at a match and on football players? Really colors are not important? In the Europe the lawn at least has color and there are in a good condition, and many Ukrainian fields with earthen high temples near goalkeepers. It’s too a detail. Today the main problem - to raise staginess of sports. And sports clubs, and not just TV, also should work above it.”
Stars of sports become not owing to results, and owing to TV which to us tells about them. It can fascinate and incline to experience eternal “middlestronger” of the tournament table, and can force to see at the winner as the cold, prudent person who has collected all “gold”, and nothing has left for another one…
The TV makes the “Stars” from simple sportsmen, which then earn owing to it, TV men, and the main thing earn also, earns also sports, all sports industry earns.
In Moscow suburbs, in city Visible passed the World championship on basketball among girls under 21 years. It is a rare opportunity to see a birth of the future stars which will define an alignment of forces in the future in this popular game kind of sports. Here for you a traditional favorite of any competitions on basketball - The USA team (the future DreamTeam?), here for you and “crazy hands” Capreo, playmacker of team Belgium, here for you and French starcenter the Gruda, the girl with impressing harmony of technics of possession of a ball and the physical power, acting already for the basic combined team of the country. And the main thing, here you can live see a couple which is setting the fashion to all game of team Russia: fire and ice, but do not refer, and were united: Ekaterina Savelyeva (attribute - purposefulness, hot, emotionality, passion) and Elena Danilochkina (attribute - cold, restraint, a thrift). Who saw it, that will agree, what their game is the really esthetic one show for the present gourmet!
Nevertheless, from matches with participation of modular Russia in this World championship eyes hurt - approximately 1/5 or 1/7 (depending on installations of contrast and brightness on your television receiver) a game field where there are the most active actions of sports event, are filled in monstrous light reflections on a floor. These reflections are so strong, that completely hide a marking of a field, there, where it with them is crossed. Matches it is possible to look or coming off each three minutes at rest for eyes (our combined team forces the trainer of a command-competitor to take the blessing constantly timeouts), or in solar glasses.
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